04 June, 2014

Yr 4 QR codes for our exhibition

Home Learning:
Write a short speech in your art book. Practise reading it aloud. Record it using the Garageband app. Email it to Ms Parker. (see instructions below or the print out in your classroom)

Week 5- Artist
Week 6- Notable person.

Artist- briefly tell us about their life history (the interesting bits)
How old are they? Alive? dead? 
Where did he/she live?
What did they like to paint? sculpt? draw? etc
What is he/she well known for?
Why did YOU choose him/her?
How did their art inspire your work?
What have you created for the exhibition?

Notable person- Who is he/she?
What are they notable for?
Alive or dead?
Life history...nationality?

REMEMBER...your 'action' in the inquiry process is to INFORM your audience.
Is there something interesting you can share that they might not already know?
Speak clearly.

...your audience age ranges from foundation class.....to grandma and grandpa!

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